
The Christopher Reeve Legacy

Embark on an emotional journey through the compelling narrative of ‘Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story,’ meticulously guided by the profound vulnerability witnessed through Reeve’s three resilient children. This poignant chronicle intricately unveils the highs and lows that defined the life of the late and revered actor, Christopher Reeve.


In a storytelling masterpiece, the documentary weaves through the intricate tapestry of Reeve’s life, showcasing not only his triumphs as the iconic Superman but also delving into the challenges and tribulations he faced. Reeve’s children, acting as poignant narrators, offer a unique and intimate perspective, providing viewers with an unfiltered glimpse into the man behind the superhero cape.

As the tale unfolds, audiences are invited to witness the multifaceted dimensions of Christopher Reeve – the actor, the advocate, and the resilient individual who faced adversity with unparalleled courage. The documentary serves as a heartfelt tribute, immortalizing the indelible mark Reeve left on the world and emphasizing the enduring impact of his legacy.

‘Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story’ transcends conventional storytelling, offering a profound and humanizing portrayal that resonates with audiences. Through this cinematic journey, viewers are invited to celebrate the life, the struggles, and the triumphs of a remarkable individual who continues to inspire generations.


Christopher Reeve’s Unforgettable Journey

Christopher Reeve’s life unfolds like a riveting narrative with two seemingly distinct chapters—one marked by soaring heights as the legendary Superman and the other, 17 years later, marred by a life-altering accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. While it’s tempting to categorize his life into these two eras, the documentary “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” reveals the intricate layers of Reeve’s existence, challenging the notion of such a simplistic divide.

Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, this intimate portrayal unveils a man who refused to let a tragic accident define his sense of time. Yes, the incident reshaped him physically and emotionally, tethering him to a ventilator for life. Yet, Reeve found profound inspiration in his past, using it as a guiding force to shape his present. Directors Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui were drawn to this resilient through line in Reeve’s life, emphasizing that the accident, while transformative, was not the sole marker of his journey.

“Superman” was the role of a lifetime, but Reeve sought to escape its overshadowing legacy. He aspired to be more than a singular character, aiming to reinvent himself as an actor. Post-accident, Reeve underwent a different kind of transformation, tapping into the lessons learned from his illustrious acting career. The documentary sheds light on a man who, far from simplification, embraced reinvention and used adversity as a catalyst for profound personal growth.


Christopher Reeve: A Hero’s Journey Beyond the Cape

Christopher Reeve’s life story unfolds with poignant vulnerability, a testament to the indomitable human spirit. The documentary “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story,” crafted under the guidance of Reeve’s three children, offers a heartfelt exploration of the actor’s life, timed poignantly on the eve of the 20th anniversary of his untimely death at 52.

This emotional narrative draws from candid interviews with Reeve’s children, along with archival footage and home videos, providing a nuanced portrayal of a man who transitioned from relative anonymity to on-screen superhero and, ultimately, a real-life hero. The documentary becomes a compelling chronicle of Reeve’s journey, not just as an actor but as a public advocate for disability research and activism.

While the film captures the highs and lows of Reeve’s public life, its most touching moments emerge from the intimate glimpses into his personal sphere. Reflective insights from his children and poignant home videos featuring his late wife, Dana Reeve, paint a vivid picture of love and dedication during the final nine years of his life. In these moments, Dana’s unwavering care embodies the essence of a true hero.

As the youngest child, Will Reeve, expresses, the aim of the project is to present the definitive story of their father’s life, embracing the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies such a narrative. With raw authenticity, “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” weaves a captivating tale that goes beyond the cape, celebrating the resilience and humanity of a man who, even in the face of adversity, harnessed the power of Superman.


Crafting Christopher Reeve’s Story

Delving into the life of a Hollywood icon like Christopher Reeve is no small feat, and for Reeve’s children—Matt, Alexandra, and Will—it was an exercise in profound trust. Despite previous expressions of interest from filmmakers, the decision to embark on a project like “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” was considered “the biggest trust exercise you could do,” as Alexandra Reeve shared during a post-screening Q&A.


Opening up about their father’s journey involved revisiting both moments of trauma and happiness. Will Reeve acknowledged that it was a challenging process, but as the 20th anniversary of Christopher Reeve’s passing approached, the timing felt right. The selection of directors Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui, known for their work on the 2020 documentary “Rising Phoenix” about Paralympic athletes, played a crucial role. Alexandra Reeve emphasized how the directors seamlessly became part of the family, fostering a bond that was evident on stage with shared hugs after the screening.

For the Reeve family, authenticity was paramount. The filmmakers, along with Reeve’s children, aimed to present a genuine portrayal of Christopher Reeve’s life, showcasing not just the triumphs but also the challenges. Alexandra Reeve emphasized the importance of depicting the story truthfully, including the difficult moments alongside the moments of overwhelming joy. “Super/Man” is an authentic journey through the highs and lows, an unveiling of a Hollywood legend’s life that refuses to be seen through rose-colored glasses.

The Real Christopher Reeve

“Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” bravely steps away from hagiography, revealing the intricate layers of Christopher Reeve’s life, both pre and post-accident. The documentary explores Reeve’s complex relationship with his father, shedding light on moments of disapproval regarding his son’s career. His father’s initial joy over the Superman role was rooted in a misunderstanding, thinking it was related to the play “Man and Superman” by George Bernard Shaw.

it’s all about digging into the ups and downs between Reeve and Gae Exton, his longtime partner and mom to his two oldest kids. Exton spills some real talk about the rough patch in their relationship, adding this intense vibe to the story. Then there’s Matt, the eldest kid, dropping some heartfelt memories, like the last time he saw his dad standing tall right before a horse-riding competition. Get ready for some real emotions unfolding on the screen!

After the accident, Reeve struggled greatly to return home and go from being an active part of his former life to an observer of it. Nonetheless, the documentary emphasizes how Reeve continued to play a significant role in his kids’ lives, encouraging more in-depth discussions and bonds.

Despite the challenges, Reeve continued to inspire. He taught his son, Will, to ride a bike through verbal guidance. His activism, spanning spinal cord injury and stem cell research, echoed a profound change in his priorities. Returning to the film industry as both an actor and director, Reeve defied medical expectations, regaining some movement.

Reeve lived many lives in the last nine years of his life, which is evidence of his superhuman willpower. The film honors the unsung heroes who surround him and reveals a deeper, more relatable side of the legendary Christopher Reeve.

The Heartfelt Bonds Beyond the Cape

In “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story,” the narrative takes a poignant turn, highlighting the profound friendships that became Christopher Reeve’s pillars of strength. Central to the story is Reeve’s enduring friendship with the late Robin Williams, a connection that transcended the glitz of Hollywood. Their friendship, nurtured at The Juilliard School, evolved into a lifeline during Reeve’s darkest times.

Williams, one of the first to visit Reeve in the hospital post-accident, orchestrated a prank that elicited Reeve’s laughter, instilling hope in the face of adversity. Actress Glenn Close reminisces about the unique camaraderie between Williams and Reeve, describing them as individuals “aware of darkness” yet adept at lifting each other’s spirits.

However, the true hero in Reeve’s life was his wife, Dana, whose unwavering support provided a beacon of love amidst the challenges. Dana’s reassurance in the hospital — “You’re still you, and I love you” — echoed a sentiment that became Reeve’s source of resilience. The emotional recollection by Alexandra Reeve of Dana shouting declarations of love as Reeve passed is a poignant testament to their enduring bond.

Despite the financial strain of Reeve’s extensive care, costing approximately $400,000 annually, Dana’s love remained constant. Tragically, less than two years later, Dana succumbed to an unexpected lung cancer diagnosis. The documentary reveals the profound impact of Dana’s love and the subsequent challenges faced by the Reeve children.

Will Reeve, emotionally sharing his journey post the loss of both parents, highlights the adopted family that has been his support. The narrative extends beyond grief, emphasizing the siblings’ involvement in the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Their commitment symbolizes a continuation of their parents’ legacy, transforming the complexities and challenges into a narrative of humanity, resilience, and the pursuit of becoming better. The Reeve siblings stand proudly, acknowledging the messy yet inspiring elements that define the transformation of an ordinary individual into a hero.

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